How to Customise Your Marketing for More Effective Google Ads Strategy

Customising your Google Ads campaigns will give you more control over different target groups. It’ll help you understand which keywords produce the best results and allow you to target the right people more precisely, resulting in better results over time.

Although customisation is not the same as true personalisation, a better Google Ads strategy will still help you reach your ideal customers!

Why is customised and personalised marketing critical to the growth of any business?

Personalised marketing should be a priority for all marketers. It is convenient to build individualised interactions and experiences with dynamic content and product suggestions based on purchase history and shopping behaviour by gathering relevant data.

The tailored experience you can provide users with through Google Ads isn’t true personalisation (because Google protects user data). Still, it’s just as important to target the right people at the right time.

Businesses should know if someone has visited their website five times in the last 30 days. Also, what device their target audience prefers, what items consumers keep adding to their cart, or what keywords they search for – all of these details could be just as useful for marketers as knowing the user’s gender, specific age, ethnicity, or other demographics.

When it comes to Google Ads targeting, less is more.

When using Google Ads to customise your marketing, a most common mistake is to optimise for terms too broad. For example, a funeral home that pays for the keyword “dead” without thinking twice may end up losing their entire Ads budget to teenagers searching for “Is Justin Bieber dead?”

It all boils down to knowing how keywords and searches operate and how to employ negative search terms. Once you’ve mastered Google Ads and determined the outcomes you want from your digital marketing efforts, you’ll realise that doing less is achieving more! This is vital to a successful Google Ads strategy.

Start by narrowing your targeting more than you would in a typical Google Ads campaign. Are mobile devices generating the majority of your company’s revenue? Start by focusing on them. For example, if 90% of your consumers are women, exclusively market to women. If your primary clients are between 24 and 29, limit your marketing to this age group and exclude everyone else. If most of your campaign yields result in only three cities, don’t plan your campaign for the entire country. Don’t squander money targeting different ages, geographic areas, genders, or devices simply because your organisation has various target groups specified in your overall digital marketing strategy.

More specific terms with increased purchasing intent bring you closer to tailored marketing.

Along with more specific targeting, you should go deeper to build amazing personalisation and better experiences with Google Ads data. A good starting point is to have one keyword that matches nicely with your ad and landing page (used in both the title and description). 

If you want to promote Puma sneakers, don’t just use “sneakers,” but be more precise and use an exact match, such as “Puma Air Max Sneakers.” Your target group will be very limited and specific on the one hand – but on the other hand, the bid for this particular keyword is likely to be lower, and the intent behind the search term is almost surely higher.

Working with single-category keywords like “shoes” is less frequent in Google Ads — just approximately 5% of eCommerce businesses are large enough to profit from this strategy.

Define the various campaigns based on the user’s intent, whether they are a new or returning consumer. To continue with the shoe example, your Ads will perform better if they are more defined: try adding colour, size, brand name, or product category (along with some other budget!) – to achieve more precise results.

In Google Ads campaigns, be aware of your different margins.

When developing your Google Ads strategy, one of the most crucial factors to consider is your gross margins.

If you have goods with vastly differing gross margins, say 25% vs 75%, you should not include them in the same campaign. Granularity is significant in this case related to distinct gross margins, items, and categories.

If you reduce your Google Ads spend, you don’t want to mess up the products with the highest gross margins.

Learn about “eCommerce economics.”

If you sell clothes, you’re certainly aware that many customers order the same item in multiple sizes and return the ones that don’t fit – a practice known as “intentional returns.” On the other hand, the electronics industry’s return rate is only approximately 5%.

Return and shipping expenses are vital to keeping track of. Include these while determining your Google Ads ROI target. It would help if you also calculated the cost of lost sales and orders you cannot complete for any reason – for example, because the product is out of stock.

You will get charged whenever someone clicks on one of your Google advertisements, even if the purchase is never completed or you have to refund the customer’s money.

Keywordio has created an algorithm dubbed “eCommerce economics” based on several parameters. First, the algorithm calculates your optimal return on investment from G-Ads. You should never build your sales on things that don’t go as planned! The algorithm calculates your optimal ROI on each product by answering questions regarding your margins, returns and shipping expenses, as well as the cost of any lost sales. There are a lot of factors to learn, but once you do, you’ll be able to tailor your Google Ads down to your most successful keywords or products.